

Michał Pasieczny
Mayor of Rumia
phone. +48 (58) 679-65-00
Agnieszka Rodak
CEO of Rumia Invest Park Sp. z o.o.
phone. +48 883 100 855
Jarosław Podsiadło
Mayor's Plenipotentiary
for Investor Assistance
phone. +48 519 390 542

Seat address

ul. Dębogórska 148
84-230 Rumia

Office address

ul. Dąbrowskiego 17 lokal 3C (I piętro)
84-230 Rumia

How to get to us?

The entrance to the office is from Sabata Street - between the post office building and the Centre for Social Integration. We recommend parking at the back of the building – turn as if driving to Galeria Rumia and take first exit on the left